Reinvent your Banking Offer with Circulae

The first circular economy solution embedded in your payment methods.

Offer your customers an innovative banking experience that meets their growing demands for purchasing power and sustainable spending.

Circulae positions banks as key players in the circular economy and creates multiple positive touchpoints with their customers.

It enables them to catalog, extend the lifespan, and easily resell their goods, notably through the buy-back guarantee for unused items.

An Innovative Customer Experience and Services

A simplified purchase registration experience

A simple photo of the receipt or invoice automatically records the purchase and its details.

A buy-back guarantee for unused items

Provide your customers with peace of mind by offering a buy-back guarantee for items purchased with their bank cards.

This guarantee allows them to easily return products, which are then reintegrated into the second-hand economy.

Optimized goods management for financial and ecological benefits

Simplify life for your customers by offering an integrated solution to increase the value and evaluate the usage of their goods.

With our user-friendly interface, they can easily manage their purchases, warranties, and resales.

Increase lifespan of goods

Offer your customers services that extend the lifespan of their goods, such as damage/theft insurance, extended warranties, and repair options.

Help your customers manage their goods while boosting their purchasing power and promoting sustainable habits.

Integrate the Circular Economy and Increase Your Revenue

Enhance the sustainability of your brand

Promote second-hand usage to showcase your commitment to a more virtuous commerce.

Boost your revenue

Market additional services (after-sales service, insurance, etc.)

Increase upsell rates of your premium cards

Improve your customer insights

Retain your customers

Increase the use rate of your payment cards

Build a strong post-purchase relationship with customers through recurring interactions

Contact us for a demonstration of the solution